Thursday, May 19, 2016

Me with Canon EOS 7D

Assalamu'alaikum Readers....

Looong time no see yaa.. berapa tahun yaa? hihi

Today, I'm at Makassar City and here I want to share my new hobbi? or My new job? Anythinglah, I'm just try to love it.. and now i really love it..

Previously, I used Canon 600D that i think it so suitable for newbie (like me), not too much weight hehe but i swear because it is so simple.. And now with camera Canon EOS 7D and the lens Canon EFS 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6, this lens has diagonal viewpoint around 53 degree. Not too bad (ya iyalah, harga menentukan hasil, skill juga sih), but I still adapt with this camera. Start with triangle exposure, ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed, as always.

I try it, so nice. Different with my previous camera, it just like hmm new soul (HAHAH) oke terlalu lebay ini yah.. And my fav setting I like to used ISO 100-800 for great result, it means that i have not too much 'noise'. Ah, I recommend 50mm f/1.8 lens for take the details of food, looks good, and the price of this lens cheap enough, hehe..

Okay I think enough for today, here I share my shots. And please give comment about it and i hope you enjoying.. see yaa..

 Can you guess what is this? I like the smell...

 Netherland Fruit Juice, in bahasa is "Terong Belanda"

 Cabe in Bahasa, Chilli I mean...

You can see my Instagram @zakiyahmh to see where is it, I post it view days ago.. Please follow :)

Pasar Terong, disini mereka menjual second hand dari baju, celana, kaos kaki, jeans, etc.. 

Dougnut guys.. :) I like the peanuts one.. nom nom~~

Saya yakin ini masih jauh banget dari profesional, jadi kamu bisa berikan kritik dan saran yang membangun dan bukankah indah bisa maju bersama menjadi lebih baik. Oh ya foto-foto ini belum di edit apapun, masih bener-bener dari kamera and no filter..

Bye-bye guys..... :)

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